From the time we receive your order it will take up to two business days for us to prepare and deliver (via email) your documents to you.
Our holidays are: New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, the first Monday in August,
Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. If any of these fall on a weekend, then that Monday will be a holiday.
We encourage you to review your documents and make us aware of any necessary revisions. Then you can either print them
yourself or ask us to send them to you via regular mail. Once you have the printed documents in hand you will need to file them
at your nearest divorce court office according to our step-by-step instructions.
We suggest you allow 3 - 4 months from the date you file them to the date your divorce will become final.
This allows time for the court office to obtain a divorce clearance certificate from Ottawa, time for certain mandatory waiting periods to expire,
and time for the court office to actually process your paper work.
Throughout the process, if you have any questions about procedure or need any revisions made, we respond promptly to your email
so that we can help keep the time required to finalize your divorce to a minimum.